Muslim MP offensively called a Christian MP “churha” (sweeper)
During the last session of Punjab Assembly Muslim MP Arif Abbasi of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (political party headed by Imran khan) called a Christian MP Tariq Masih Gill, the Christian parliamentary secretary for human rights and minorities a churha (sweeper).
The word Churha is considered offensive and insulting and is often used against Christians.
It is a racial and abusive term reserved for Christian sanitation workers.
Government job advertisements usually announce sweeper jobs only for Christians, Hindus and Shia Muslims in Pakistan. Minority Hindus in Sindh province and Christians in other provinces are associated with cleaning toilets and drains.
Unfortunately, Christians are considered second class citizens and inferior to the Muslims.
After the incident Christian MPs boycotted the session and protested in front of the Punjab Assembly against the use of the term, while Christians across the country criticised Abbasi and demanded an unconditional apology.
There are in total 11 Minority MPs and 9 of them are Christians including the present Human rights minister, Tahir Khalil Sandhu, but sadly they have failed to pass legislation or at least bring a motion to parliament to stop or criminalise such derogatory remark against members of religious minorities.
Tariq Maish Gill said in a press conference on May 22 said that this is sad there are severally minorities are living in Pakistan but Christians are called Churhas.